Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Finishing Interior Seams and Edges

This jacked called for binding the edge of the facing which runs around the neck and down the zipper.  It took two tries to get it to catch the fabric correctly but adds a very finished look to the facing.  This jacked did not call for the finishing of the interior seams.  I got the serger out and finished various seams.  For no other reason than I had already sewed it, I finished the shoulder seam edged separately.  The other seam is the dropped shoulder and I sewed and serged this simultaneously. 

I pulled out a few of my sewing books.  I think there are specific times you might want to sew then serge versus sewing/serging at the same time.  I'll have to do more investigation into this as I am quite a newbie serger.  One thing my sewing instructor suggested when I took a class at Saddleback was to go to the department store and see how commercial garments are put together.  I think it is a good suggestion.

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